Call Me By My Rightful Name

Name: One Sheridan Square
Address: 1 Sheridan Square, New York, NY 10014
Production Information
Number of performances: 127
Opening date: January 31, 1961
Opening Night Credits

Production Credits
Person/Company Credit
Judith Rutherford Producer
Michael Shurtleff Playwright
S.F. Pfoutz1 Original Author
Milton Katselas Director
Charles Evans Production Designer
Howard Atlee Press Representative
Dorothy Fowler Stage Manager

1Based on the author's novel The Whipping Boy.

Actor Role
Alvin Ailey Paul
Milo Boulton Mr. Watkins
Dortha Duckworth Mrs. Watkins
Robert Duvall Doug
Joan Hackett Chris
Robert Hogan Elliot
Award Person / Company Function
1 WON 1961 Obie Award, Distinguished Performance Joan Hackett Actor
2 WON 1961 Theatre World Award Joan Hackett Actor